Dedicated to Building Shared Understanding of Wicked Problems

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“This is an excellent guide for all those interested in durable collaborative solutions in our increasingly tough business climates today.”
John C. Mitchell, former President, Business Printer Division, Lexmark International, Inc.
“Over the past 10 years my company has been bringing Dialogue Mapping to some of the most senior conversations on the planet… It is an amazing methodology explained brilliantly by Jeff Conklin.”
Christopher McGoff, CEO Touchstone Consulting
"Dialogue Mapping was the essential ingredient that held together the NASA-funded government/industry partnership that will allow unmanned aircraft to have safe access into the United States national airspace system for the benefit of all mankind."
John Walker, Policy Team Leader, Access 5
“Jeff Conklin pioneered this field, showing the connection between conversations (dialogue) and solving wicked problems. His ideas are intellectually rewarding and, just as important, are tried and tested.”
Mark Addleson, Director, Organizational Learning Program
George Mason University
“What Jeff has in this book is of powerfully basic importance to improving our Collective-IQ, and thus, in my view, to helping significantly change our world to be a better place.”
Douglas Engelbart, Director of Bootstrap Alliance
 Inventor of the computer mouse and world’s first hypertext system
From the back cover ...

Dialogue Mapping presents an indispensable new approach to meetings and collaboration, in which collective intelligence is achieved through framing powerful questions and conducting a comprehensive and creative exploration of their possible answers.

In the first part of Dialogue Mapping, Jeff Conklin introduces the key concepts:
Wicked problems: you must come up with solutions in order to understand what the problem really is … what the real issues are … and the problem definition depends on whom you ask!
Social complexity: the number and diversity of stakeholders whose participation is essential.
Opportunity-driven problem solving: empirical evidence says creative thinking does not follow a linear process!
Shared understanding: overcoming fragmentation requires forging shared understanding about all aspects of the problem-solution space.
The remaining sections provide a hands-on tutorial for practitioners.

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